Thursday, October 17, 2013

Medias or ways or techniques or channels of oral communication

Media or ways or techniques or channels of oral communication. The channels or methods or oral communication may be classified broadly in two categories non mechanical channels and mechanical channels which are described below:

A. Non mechanical channels:

Conversation: conversation means the informal discussion among the people. When one person discusses his views, opinion to another person and exchanges their views in the presence of both then it is called face to face conversation. It also includes the face-to-face discussion on a particular issue. In this method both the information receiver and sender can exchange their views freely and fairly.

Interview: It suggests a meeting between two or more persons for the purpose of getting a view of each other or for knowing each other. When we normally think of an interview, we think a situation in which an employer tries to size up an applicant for a job. The employer’s aim is to know whether the applicant can be fit for service to this organization and the applicant’s aim is to find whether the job being offered by the organization can be suitable to him. Its first, the speaker asks questions to the listener and then the listener answers the question. There are three major techniques of interview. They are as follows:

      • Direct questioning

      • Non-directive interview and

      • Guided interview

      Does speech: Speech means what the speaker says in front of the audience. It is fully audience-oriented system. Generally the political leaders, the managers, the business man or the workers’ leaders use this system sometimes. It can build tension or it can relax tension. This system is practiced in public gathering at company meetings, inauguration and seminars etc. In needs to considerable skills otherwise it is not effective.

      Group discussion: Group discussion is a popular method of oral communication. Management arranges group discussion to take a decision on a special matter. Group discussion is very helpful to human relation, idea getting an idea development and training.

      Formal training courses: Effective communication can be performed through formal training courses. It is a wide used technique of oral communication. Both the trainer and the trainee can exchange their views directly.

      Meeting: Meeting means the formal group discussion about a specific predetermined topic or subject. Meeting members to get together and discuss about a problem or issue or a special matter. There are several types of meeting such as –

          • Security meeting

          • Minutes meeting

          • Social meeting

          • General meeting itself

          Counseling: Counseling is an effective medium of oral communication. Generally it held yearly or bi-yearly. It is adopted by the higher authority for their followers.

          Committee: Committee is an organization. The committee meeting is a popular technique of oral communication. Special decision is taken through face to face discussion of a committee meeting.

          Special prize-giving ceremony: Sometimes the businessmen can meet with others arranging a special prize giving ceremony for the workers. In this ceremony the businessmen can exchange their views and ideas orally.

          Conference: Conference is a kind of meeting at which participants exchange views and talk together. A conference may be held to exchange views on some problem being faced by the organization or some other issue related to it and it may even suggest a solution but the suggestions from a conference are not binding. They are more in the nature of the recommendation.

          Lectures: Lecture is used to create an understanding of a topic or to influence behavior, attitudes of the trainee through spoken words. The lecture is telling someone about something. The method is an effective way to introduce new information or concepts to a group of learners who gathered at on place. A lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of the listener or to give him the theoretical aspect of a topic.

          Informal communication: Informal communication is another technique to exchange information orally. It can be occurred in the playground, tea table etc. In those situations both the boss and subordinate can exchange their views informally.

          Others: Invitation to a lunch, Brainstorming, Advisory board, Inspection of factory and office.

          B. Mechanical channels

          Telephone: Telephone set is an instrument that converts voice and other sound signals into a form that can be transmitted to remote locations and that receives and reconverts waves into the waves into sound signals. The telephone plays a vital role in communication when the two persons stay in different places they communicate with each other by telephone. Their exchange information and their views and immediate feedback are possible under this system. Now-a-days we can see that every organization is using the telephone to exchange the information and views orally.

          Mobile or cell phone: A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a portable telephone that connects to the telephone network over the radio wave transmission. It connects to a wireless communications network through radio wave or satellite transmissions.

          Radio: Radio is the indirect media of oral communication. It is a one-way communication system. The receiver can only hear the message from the sender. The receiver cannot reply.

          Television: Television is also the indirect media of oral communication. It is a one-way communication system. Here, receiver cans here the messages and side by side see the sender. The receiver cannot reply.

          Video conference: Video conference is a kind of teleconferencing communication where people staying in different corner or locations and participate in a face-to-face group meeting or group discussion through the help of electronic video camera technology.

          Teleconferencing: Teleconferencing is a kind of communication where people staying in different corner or locations and participate in group meetings or group discussion through electronic telephone technology.

      Thursday, October 10, 2013

      Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication

      Advantages of oral communication: Oral communication involves many advantages. In a recent survey about communication it is clear that more than 55% of the executives choose this communication. The advantages of oral communication are as follows:

      1. Time saving: When action is required to be taken immediately it is best to transmit a message orally. If the executives work load is high then they stop writhing and by oral instructions they complete their message transmission and released their work load and also it saves time.

      2. Cost savings: Cost is involved in any communication. When the communication is needed within the organization and if it and is completed in orally, it has not needed any paper, pen or stamp or computer. So it saves the money of the organization.

      3. More powerful: Speech is a more powerful means of persuasion and control. Therefore executives often prefer to transmit messages orally.

      4. Effectiveness: With the help of variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can convey shades of meaning. This factor also contributes to the effectiveness of oral communication.

      5. Immediate feedback: The speaker can get immediate feedback on whether it is creating a favorable impression on the receiver or whether the receiver will protest or whether the receiver has receiver has clearly understood his meaning or is feeling perplexed or baffled and he can mold and adjust his message accordingly.

      6. More suitable: The employees felt more suitable when the message transmits in orally. They get an opportunity for feedback and clarification.

      7. A relationship develops: Oral communication is mostly carried out helps to promote friendly relations between the parties communicating with each other.

      8. Flexibility: By the demand of the situations oral instructions can be changed easily and for these cases maintain the formalities are not necessary. So it is very much flexible and effective.

      9. Easiness: It is so easy method of communication. It needs little preparation to send a message. No need of pens, pencils and other writing equipment’s which are needed in written communication.

      10. Correction of errors: If any error is expressed at the time of oral communication. It was possible to rectify at that time or within a very short time.

      11. Informal communication: In oral communication, no need to maintain such formalities which are needed in written communication. So it is easy and helpful to any organization.

      12. Motivation: In oral communication system, top executives and sub ordinates staff can sit face-to-face and exchange their views directly, so sub-ordinates are motivated day by day.

      13. Special applications: Oral communication is more helpful in communicating messages to groups of people at assembly meetings etc.

      14. Maintaining secrecy: Interested parties of oral communication can maintain the secrecy of messages easily.

      Disadvantages of oral communication: Oral communication contains many advantages. In spite of this, there are oral some disadvantages which are given below:

      1. No record: In oral communication, messages are difficult to record. So it is impossible to preserve the message for future.

      2. Expensive: It is also expensive media of communication. Sometimes the audience can be managed by paying T. A and D. A. On the other hand Technological devices that are used in this system are costly.

      3. Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication then main goals of the organization may be filed.

      4. Inaccuracy: There is very possibility of inaccurate messages to reach the destination. So, the reverse result of expected plan may be occurred.

      5. Limited use: The scope of usage of oral communication is limited. It is not suitable for lengthy messages. It should be sued for short message.

      6. Probability of omitting main subject: Sometimes, main subject may be omitted to express a word for communicating. So, expected result may not be achieved.

      7. Confused speech: Sometimes the receiver fails to understand the meaning of a message due to habitual productions of the speaker.

      8. No legal validity: there is any legal validity of the oral message. As, the oral messages are not taped and kept records, so it can be denied easily if the situation goes against the speaker.

      9. Late decision: It takes time to reach a decision. At the beginning stage, sometime is killed in the discussion of any personal matters. Besides some time is also wasted for irrelevant discussion. In this way decision making is delayed.

      10. Less important: In oral communication, meaningless speech can mislead the main effects of the communication. But when the information comes out in written, we take it seriously.

      11. Lack of secrecy: In oral communication, the important and secret information may be disclosed.

      12. Defective: Oral communication is defective for company’s policy, procedure, programs, law and other important information.

      13. Creates misunderstanding: The speaker often gives message without having properly organized it earlier. So, it is possible that he may not be able to make himself properly to communicate with the receiver. As a result, misunderstanding May develops.

      Wednesday, October 9, 2013

      What is Speech? | Planning of speech

      What is Speech?: Meaning of speech: Speech means what the speaker says in front of the audience. It is fully audience-oriented system. Generally the political leaders, the managers, the business man or the workers’ leaders use this system sometimes. It can build tension or it can relax tension. This system is practiced in public gathering, at company meetings, inauguration and seminars etc. It needs to considerable skills otherwise it is not effective. “Advantages and disadvantages of speech“.

      So, speech is the formal talk that the speaker addresses through spoken language words in front the audience gathered in a place to hear massage.

      Characteristics of a good speech

      The important characteristics of a good speech are as follows:

      • Clear: Clarify is the first major characteristic of a good speech. Successful of speeches are fully dependent on the clarity of the idea. Otherwise it will bring a bad result.

      • Informal talk: A good speech is closer to a personal and informal chat between two intimate friends. When somebody speaks, there should be a perfect report between the speaker and the audience.

      • Concreteness: Abstractions kill a speech. The successes of the speeches are depended on its concreteness.

      • Concise: The concentration of an average audience does not last more than fifteen to twenty minutes. So the speeches should be concise.

      • Interesting: Quotations anecdotes and humorous touches often make a speech interesting quotations should be only form accepted authorities. They should be familiar but not worn-out. Anecdotes should be new, brief and in good taste. Humor should be topical, spontaneous and gentle.

      • Audience-oriented: A good speech is always tuned to the wavelength of the audience. Before giving the speeches the speaker consider some the points carefully that means is the audience general or specialized one or how large the audience or what is the age group of the listener and what are the social, religious, political and economic views of the listeners.

      What is SpeechPreparation or planning of speech

      Most of the people do not feel comfortable speaking before others. With effort, everybody can improve their speaking quality. Preparation should always start well in advance. In presenting a good speech the following steps should be followed:

      • Selection of the topic: The first step in the formal speech morning is to determine the topic of the presentation. Before selection of the topic at first the speaker should consider his knowledge about the topic than they will consider the interest of the audience. Where the topic will be presented and lastly he should consider the occasion. The selection should be justified by all above factors.

      • Preparation of the presentation: After selection of the topic the speaker should gather the information that the he needs for this speech. After collection of the information the speaker should organize the information. In presentation stage the greeting usually comes first and gain attention in the opening. In the second stage the speaker prepared the main body of the speeches and lastly conclusion. In the introductory stage the speaker can use the gossip, humor, quotations, questions etc. The middle should be devoted to the discussion and in conclusion it should summarize the main points.

      • Determination of the presentation method: With the speech organized, the speaker is ready to prepare its presentation. At this time, the speaker needs to decide on the method of presentation that is, whether to present the speech extemporaneously, to memorize it or to read it.

      • Audience analysis: One requirement of good speech making is to know the audience. The speaker should study his audience both before and during the presentation.

      • Appearance and physical actions: When the listeners hear the speech, they are looking for the speaker. What they see is a part of the message and can affect the success of the speech. The speaker should understand the communication effects of the listeners see. The speaker must be careful about the communication environment, personal appearance, posture, walking, facial expression, get gestures etc.

      • Use of voice: Good voice is an obvious requirement of good speaking. Like physical movements, the voice should not hinder the listener’s concentration on the message. More specifically, it should not detract attention from the message. The speaker should be careful about lack of pitch variation, lack of variation in speed, lack of vocal emphasis and unpleasant voice quality etc.

      What is Speech? | Planning of speech

      Advantages and disadvantages of speech

      Advantages of speech: There are some advantages of good speech. They are given below:

      1. Easy to understand: If the speaker delivers his or her speech on the basis of the audience level, it becomes easy understanding. So, the main advantages of speech are understandable.

      2. Time saving: Direct speech between the speaker and the listener saves time to communicate information.

      3. Good relation: Speech can help to develop the relation between the speaker and the audiences. It is possible to establish friendly relation among the parties concern through direct speech.

      4. Cost saving: Direct speech saves money, because it does not require any device or writing instruments like pen, paper, computer, telephone etc.

      5. Suitability: It is very suitable to communicate with both illiterate and literate people. But written communication is suitable only for literate people.

      6. Quick means: Speech is a quick mean of communication. Many formalities are to be needed for written or other communications. But it does not take any formality.

      7. Direct feedback: There is a quick and direct feedback of oral communication, because the audience can interact directly to the speaker.

      8. Mass communication: Direct speech is suitable for mass communication. The speaker can communicate with many people at a time through speech.

      Disadvantage of speech:There are some limitations and disadvantages of speech. These limitations are stated below:

      1. Inaccuracy: The main disadvantages of speech or inaccuracy. If the speaker fails to understand the need of the audiences, speech becomes worthless.

      2. Complexity: This form of communication increases the complexity in the communication channel. If the number of audience is large, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the speech.

      3. Delay: It is a lengthy process to take decision making because it takes more times for personal discussions to each other. If the audiences do not understand the meaning of the speech it takes more time to take a final decision.

      4. Irrelevancy: Sometimes the speaker delivers an irrelevant speech which makes the audience displeasure or disgust.

      5. No record: Usually no records are kept in this form of communication. So speech cannot be sued as legal document unless it is taped.

      6. Lack of secrecy: In this form of communication, the important and secret information may be disclosed.

      7. Conflict: Speech cannot be kept in mind for long. So it can create many conflicts among the parties concerned.

      8. Expensive: Sometimes the organization pays the T.A. And D. A. To the audiences. So it is also expensive.

      Qualities of a good speaker

      The successes of the speeches fully depend on the qualities of the speaker. The speaker’s qualities are given below:

      1. “A good speaker is lively, interested, enthusiastic and vital.” He treats his audience as a group of living people. He makes it sure that he is keenly interested in the subject he is speaking about and he is taking pains to make his audience equally interested in it.

      2. “A good speaker is earnest.” He does not speak just for the sake of speaking in order to show off, to impress his audience with his erudition or his authority.

      3.  A good speaker has a sense of responsibility to his listeners and to others. He does not take more time than what it allotted to him.

      4. A good speaker has a sense of responsibility to his subject. He does not bite off more than he can chew. He does not spread it thin.

      5. A good speaker has a sense of leadership; he stands up tall, he talks eye to eye, speaks responsibly and with authority, as a leader should.

      6. “A good speaker keeps his head.” He is not carried off by over enthusiasm or over confidence.

      7. A good speaker keeps his sense of honor.

      Advantages and disadvantages of speech

      Monday, October 7, 2013

      What is interview? | Types of interviews

      Meaning of interview: The word interview comes from Latin and middle French words meaning to “see between” or “see each other”. Generally, interview means a private meeting between people when questions are asked and answered. The person who answers the questions of an interview is called in interviewer. The person who asks the questions of our interview is called an interviewer. It suggests a meeting between two persons for the purpose of getting a view of each other or for knowing each other. When we normally think of an interview, we think a setting in which an employer tries to size up an applicant for a job.

      According to Gary Dessler, “An interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person’s oral response to oral inquiries.”

      According to Thill and Bovee, “An interview is any planed conversation with a specific purpose involving two or more people”.

      According to Dr. S. M. Amunuzzaman, “Interview is a very systematic method by which a person enters deeply into the life of even a stranger and can bring out needed information and data for the research purpose.”

      So, an interview is formal meetings between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information, qualities, attitudes, wishes etc. Form the interviewee.

      What is interviewTypes of interviews: There are many types of interviews that an organization can arrange. It depends on the objectives of taking the interview. Some important types of interviews are stated below:

      1. Personal interviews: Personal interviews include:

        • Selection of the employees

        • Promotion of the employees

        • Retirement and resignation of the employees

        Of course, this type of interview is designed to obtain information through discussion and observation about how well the interviewer will perform on the job.

      2. Evaluation interviews: The interviews which take place annually to review the progress of the interviewee are called the evaluation interviews. Naturally, it is occurring between superiors and subordinates. The main objective of this interview is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the employees.

      3. Persuasive interviews: This type of interview is designed to sell someone a product or an idea. When a sales representative talk with a target buyer, persuasion takes the form of convincing the target that the product or idea meets a need.

      4. Structured interviews: Structured interviews tend to follow formal procedures; the interviewer follows a predetermined agenda or questions.

      5. Unstructured interviews: When the interview does not follow the formal rules or procedures. It is called an unstructured interview. The discussion will probably be free flowing and may shift rapidly form on subject to another depending on the interests of the interviewee and the interviewer.

      6. Counseling interviews: This may be held to find out what has been troubling the workers and why someone has not been working.

      7. Disciplinary interviews: Disciplinary interviews are occurring when an employee has been accused of breaching the organization’s rules and procedures.

      8. Stress interviews: It is designed to place the interviewee in a stress situation in order to observe the interviewees reaction.

      9. Public interviews: These include political parties’ radio-television and newspaper.

      10. Informal or conversational interview: In the conversational interview, no predetermined questions are asked, in order to remain as open and adaptable a possible to the interviewee’s nature and priorities; during the interview the interviewer “goes with the flow”.

      11. General interview guide approach: The guide approach is intended to ensure that the same general areas of information are collected from each interviewee this provides more focus than the conversational approach but still allows a degree of freedom and adaptability in getting the information from the interviewee.

      12. Standardized or open-ended interview: Here the same open-ended questions are asked to all interviewees; this approach facilitates faster interviews faster interviews that can be more easily analyzed and compared.

      13. Closed or fixed-response interview: It is an interview where all interviewers ask the same questions and asked to choose answers from among the same set of alternatives. This formal is useful for those not practiced in interviewing.

      Saturday, October 5, 2013

      Conditions of the success of an interview

      Conditions of the success of an interview: The responsibility for the failure in interview lies both with the interviewer and the interviewee. For acquiring a positive result the following conditions should be followed:

      1. The interviewer should not form an overall opinion about the candidate on the basis of a single aspect of his personality.

      2. The interviewer should keep aside his bias and be scientific in his approach.

      3. The interviewer should not judge a candidate’s mental capability and his character on the basis of such factors as his personal appearance, date of birth, lines on the palm of his hand etc.

      4. The interviewer must vary the nature of his questions and the tone of his voice to suit individual candidate.

      5. The interviewer should try to judge the candidate afresh and not go by what is former employer has to say about him.

      6. The interviewer should not be cold and unfriendly. He should not try to unnerve the candidste by putting on airs of superiority.

      7. The interviewers must observe non-verbal clues like gestures, facial expressions, voice changes, hesitation etc.

      8. The interviewer should prepare his questions really well.

      9. The candidate should also come well prepared. He may be quite competent, but if does not come well prepared, he will cut a sorry figure and not get the job.

      10. The candidate must not try to anticipate the needs and preferences of the interviewer and respond accordingly.

      11. The human element should not be allowed to intrude into the interview.

      12. Neither the interviewer nor the candidate should be discourteous or rude forwards each other.

      13. Neither of them should try to dominate the interview.

      14. Neither of them should try to interrupt the other during his talk.

      Conditions of the success of an interviewSuggestions to interviewer for ensure successful interview or, functions of an interviewer or, how to conduct the interview effectively?

      A job interview is the first part of hiring and keeping good workers. Asking the right questions makes you as a manager more likely to select the best candidate for the job. Competition abounds for skilled and talented workers. It must be able to distinguish between people who want the job and the perfect candidate for the job.

      Despite the economic volatility of the past few years, conducting a successful interview can help you secure the best candidates for the job. The following tips may help you with the screening process:
      A. Before the interview:

      1. Aim or Goal: He should think about the purpose of the interview and determine what he hopes to achieve.

      2. Necessary information: The interviewer should familiarize himself with the relevant information such as job application, curriculum vitae, job description, job specification etc.

      3. Setting time and place: The interviewer should choose a suitable place and time for taking interview. The room should be well decorated and the right size.

      4. Structure: He should draw up a list of questions for discussion so that he can discuss things in a logical order.

      5. Meeting among members: Before taking interview the members of the interview board should discuss themselves about the interview.

      B. During the interview:

      1. Use proper tone: The interviewer should use proper tone at the time interview. A friendly tone may put the applicant at ease.

      2. Undivided attention: The interviewer should give the interviewee his undivided attention. He can use appropriate gestures to show that he has a genuine interest in what the interviewee is saying.

      3. Manage time: Do your best to stick with the schedule set aside for the meeting. However, you should be prepared to jump straight to the conclusion questions if the candidate is not qualified. There is no point wasting either of your time if the candidate is not qualified. There is no point wasting either of your time if the candidate is not a good match for the job.

      4. Write it down: No matter what you think, you will not remember everything that is said during an interview. Take notes so that your memory will be triggered when it’s time to review the meeting. The more people you interview for the position, the more important note-taking becomes.

      5. Sum up the interview: He should sum up the interview by stating any action he is going to take or anything expected of the interviewee after the meeting.

      Friday, October 4, 2013

      Types of company meetings

      Types of company meetings: Several types of meetings take place in the business organizations. Especially the company meetings can be shown by following diagram:


      1. Shareholders meeting: When the meeting is held with the shareholders of the company it is called shareholders meeting.

      • (a) Statutory meeting: According to company laws, after getting the letter of commence, the company arranges a meeting after one month of six months. This is the first general meeting of the company and during the life of the company this type of meeting held once. The company gives the circular before 21 days of the meeting. The decisions of the meeting are called statutory decision.

      • (b) Annual general meeting: After registration of the company, the company is bound to invites the first general meeting with in eighteen months. Then the general meeting will be held in every year. The differences of the two general meeting cannot be more than fifteen months. The decisions of the meeting are called general decision.

      • (c) Extra-ordinary general meeting: If necessary of the company this type of meeting can be held on any time. The director or some shareholders can invite this meeting one tenth of the shareholders may give the requisition to the Board of directors to arrange this type of meeting. After getting the requisition of the board of Directors fail to arrange a meeting with in twenty one days, the shareholder can invite the meeting within three months. The decision taken by the meeting is called special decision.

      Types of company meetings

      2. Directors meeting: When the meeting is held among the directors of the company it is called directors meeting. It is classified into two parts. They are:

      • (a) Board meeting: According to article of association. The board of directors meeting is called Board Meeting. If nothing about this type of meeting in the article of association, then by Table- A rules of the company law this type of meeting can be held on. According to rules of company law the company is bound to arrange the meeting once in one month and at least four times within a year the Quorum: is filled up by 3/1 rd of the directors present or at least two directors present. Each director is preserved one vote and if any case the directors vote can be divided equally, then the president give the casting vote and take the decision.

      • (b) Committee meeting: According to article of association the Board of Directors sometimes make special committee to complete in any special work among some directors of the company. This committee member sometimes meets together for coordinating the work properly. This type of seating is called committee meeting

      3. Special meeting: For any special situation, when the meeting is arranged by the company, it is called special meeting. The types of the special meetings are as follows:

      • (a) Class-meeting: The Company has different kinds of shares. When the meeting is arranged by any one kind of shareholders it is called class meeting.

      • (b) Creditors meeting: The directors or their appointed lower can invite this type of meeting. Moreover this type of meeting may be arranged by the order of the court. If necessary to reconstruct or to dissolve or to any amalgamate the company to preserve the rights of the creditor this type of meeting is invited by their proper authoritative person. The creditors who will be present in the meeting or the presence of three-fourth credit holders of the total credit can take the decision and the court will give the instruction on the basis of this decision and the creditors are bounded to abide by the decision.